The Sound of Music
The hills are most certainly alive with the sound of music as The Arctic Theatre features the musical classic “The Sound of Music”. An outstanding production with a large cast and The Arctic Philharmonic on stage, will make this performance a remarkable experience.
In the ever popular musical “The Sound of Music” by Rodgers og Hammerstein, mezzo soprano Maria Nohr gives life to Maria while Sondre Krogtoft Larsen does the part of Captain George von Trapp. Together they will give you emblematic classics such as “Edelweiss”, “Sound of Music”, and “My favourite things”.
The blooming edelweiss will give colour to the mountain hills and the music will excite you as The Arctic Theatre and The Arctic Philharmonic go together in this paramount musical. Director Ivar Tindberg has previously been very successful at The Arctic Theater with large productions such as “Cristmas Carol”. Set Designer Yngvar Julin and renowned choreographer Hege Holte Østbye further contribute to making «The Sound of Music» a remarkable happening.
The musical was written shortly before the outbreak of World War II and is based on a true story. The music lingers on when romance meets darkness, hope encounters despair, and safe heavens are transformed into spots of fear. The many parallels to the times of the early 1930s to today’s society make this musical immortal.
The Sound of Music
Music by Richard Rodgers
Libretto by Oscar Hammerstein II
Dramatized by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse
Inspired by “The Trapp Family Singers” by Maria Augusta Trapp
Presented in cooperation with R&H Theatricals Europe
The performance is sponsored by Sparebank1 Nord-Norge
Artistic Team
By Howard Lindsay, Russel Crouse
Composers Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
Directed by Ivar Tindberg
Set Design and Costume Design Yngvar Julin
Choreography Hege Holte Østbye
Musical Director Simon Revholt
Sound Design Jim-Oddvar Hansen
Lighting Design Øystein Heitmann
Video Design Sabina Jacobsson

* Sanseleg oppleving, Klassekampen, 14.10.17
* "Sound of Music" treffer, iTromsø, 12.10.17
* Lyden av suksess, NRK, 12.10.17
* Med en åpning som får gåsehuden til å stå i stram givakt, legger de lista, Nordlys, 12.10.17
- Hun har sunget siden hun var ett år gammel, nå har Maria kapret drømmerollen, iTromsø, 21.04.17
- HT søker unge skuespillere til musikalsatsning, Nordlys 28.02.17
- Søker barn og unge til stor musikalsatsing, iTromsø, 28.02.17
6. desember - Harstad (Harstad Kulturhus)
8. desember - Mo i Rana (Nordland Teater)
9. desember - Mo i Rana (Nordland Teater)
11. desember - Bodø (Stormen)
12. desember - Bodø (Stormen)
13. desember - Bodø (Stormen)
15. desember - Hammerfest (Arktisk Kultursenter)
16. desember - Hammerfest (Arktisk Kultursenter)
Se spilleplan for mer informasjon.
The Sound of Music er en del av hovedprogrammet TRANSIT.
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The Sound of Music er en familieforestilling anbefalt fra 7 år.
Vi vil gjerne at store og små skal få mest mulig ut av teateropplevelsen, og derfor har vi laget et aktivitetshefte som store og små kan kose seg med.
Heftet inneholder ulike oppgaver som kan gøres både før og etter teaterbesøket.
Last ned heftet her.
God fornøyelse!
Program til "The Sound of Music"